You might think about charity as something you do with the extra change you find lying around, or by supporting a friend running in a local race. That's how we used to feel — until we learned how much even a modest amount of charity can accomplish when given to the right organizations.
It's common for charities to make big promises, and in most cases they can't deliver. But after researching hundreds of charities and the programs they carry out, we've found a few that can truly demonstrate impact. With these charities, your donation can make a real difference. For example:
- Malaria Consortium's seasonal malaria chemoprevention program. Strong evidence suggests that seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) programs — preventative treatment for young children during the peak malaria season — substantially reduce cases of malaria. (For more details, see our full report on SMC.) We believe that Malaria Consortium effectively reaches a large proportion of children targeted by its SMC programs. For our detailed analysis, see our full review of the Malaria Consortium's SMC program.
- The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF). Malaria is one of the leading killers of children in Africa. Insecticide-treated nets prevent deaths and many other non-fatal cases of malaria and are relatively inexpensive — about $5 per net. (For more details, see our full report on nets.) We believe that AMF effectively expands access to nets. For our detailed analysis, see our full review of AMF.
- Helen Keller Intl's vitamin A supplementation program provides technical assistance, engages in advocacy, and contributes funding to government-run vitamin A supplementation (VAS) programs. There is strong evidence that VAS can reduce child mortality. (For more details, see our report on VAS.) For our detailed analysis, see our full review of Helen Keller Intl's VAS program.
- New Incentives encourages caregivers of infants to complete a series of routine, potentially life-saving childhood immunizations by providing a small cash transfer when each vaccine is given. (For more details, see our full report on conditional transfers for childhood immunization.) It operates in North West Nigeria, where childhood immunization rates are low. For our detailed analysis, see our full review of New Incentives.