Last updated: January 2025
A core part of our research process is following the progress of organizations to which GiveWell directs a significant amount of funding. On this page you can find links to all of our content on Helen Keller Intl's vitamin A supplementation program, one of our Top Charities.
- Our current review, updated in April 2024.
- Past reviews: September 2022, November 2021, November 2020, November 2019, November 2018, November 2017, October 2017 (interim review), 2007.
Blog posts
For all blog posts on Helen Keller Intl, see the Helen Keller Intl blog category.
Notes from conversations
For notes from conversations with Helen Keller Intl, see our conversations page.
Site visit
In October 2017, GiveWell staff visited Helen Keller Intl's program in Conakry, Guinea. For notes from the trip, see the site visit page.
All grants to Helen Keller Intl
This table includes all grants to Helen Keller Intl that GiveWell had the discretion to make, or recommended to another funder.1
Additional content
- 1
This table doesn't include:
- donations made to GiveWell that were restricted by donors to supporting Helen Keller Intl; or
- donations that were made to Helen Keller Intl directly by donors using our top charity list, but not on the basis of a specific recommendation from us.