More Ways to Help

Donors sometimes ask us how they can support our work or make a positive impact beyond donating; here are some of our suggestions:

Find us on social media

We regularly post updates about our blog posts, newsletters, grantmaking, events, and job openings on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. You can help us reach potential donors, job candidates, and others interested in effective giving by sharing our content.

Share content with your network

You can also introduce others to effective giving by sharing books, articles, podcasts, and videos. We’ve put together a list of content that we think is helpful to share with friends, family, and coworkers.

Fundraise for GiveWell

If you’re looking for a way to support GiveWell beyond donating, consider creating a fundraiser through our page on To start a fundraiser for one of our giving funds or top charities, click “Fundraise” on the option you’d like to support.

Work with us

Many of our staff were GiveWell donors before joining our team. If you’re motivated to help maximize global well-being, check our jobs page for open positions.

Make a planned gift pledge

Including GiveWell in your will or trust—or as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, investment account, or retirement account—is a great way to make an impact. You can read about how to do it on our legacy giving page.

Engage with the broader effective giving community

The Effective Altruism community can help you find opportunities to maximize your impact and engage with others who want to do the same. If you’re new to EA and looking to learn more, consider connecting with a local EA group in your area or participating in an EA Virtual Program.