Environment Click on the area that interests you to view our program-specific “do-it-yourself” charity evaluation questions. Conservation and endangered species protection Questions: Can you provide a list of past land purchases, including: Budget Your role in the purchases (Did you put up all the funds?) Purpose (Protect endangered species? Absorb carbon emissions? Preserve historical/cultural interest, scenery, etc.? Water quality? For absorbing carbon emissions, see questions under "Forest conservation" below) Plans for the land (Will it be open to the public? Under what conditions?) Likely use of the land if not used for your project Can you provide a list of possible future land purchases, including: Budget Your role in the purchases (Will you put up all the funds?) Priority Purpose (Protect endangered species? Absorb carbon emissions? Preserve historical/cultural interest, scenery, etc.? Water quality? For absorbing carbon emissions, see questions under "Forest conservation" below) Plans for the land (Will it be open to the public? Under what conditions?) Likely use of the land if not used for your project What non-purchase land improvement activities have you carried out and do you plan to carry out? For past activities, can you provide budgets and before- and after- pictures? For future activities, can you provide budgets and priorities? Global warming mitigation/prevention Forest conservation Questions: Can you provide a list of past forest conservation projects? For each, can you provide: Budget Your role in the project (Did you put up all the funds to purchase the land, for example?) Estimated impact per-year and over-time on carbon emissions, along with where the technical details of this estimate are published and what external sources signed off on it Results of any testing that has been conducted to compare the estimated with actual impact Likely use of the land if not used for your project Can you provide a list of future potential forest conservation projects? For each, can you provide: Priority Budget Your role in the project (Will you put up all the funds to purchase the land, for example?) Estimated impact per-year and over-time on carbon emissions, along with where the technical details of this estimate are published and what external sources signed off on it Plans for testing to compare the estimated with actual impact Likely use of the land if not used for your project Nature adaptation (i.e., preparing areas to deal with global warming) Questions: Can you provide a list of past nature adaptation projects, and future potential projects? For each, can you provide: Budget Priority (For future projects only) Your role in the project (Did you put up all the funds for the project, for example?) How you obtained projections about the likely impact of global warming with and without your activities and whether these projections are based on optimistic or pessimistic projections of global warming What the likely impact of global warming is in these areas with and without your activities, according to the projections you obtained What rules and restrictions you imposed on locals in order to make these changes, and to what extent you've gauged local potential objections to these rules and restrictions For past projects only, whether you have followed up since the completion of your projects, to see whether the changes you've made remain in place See also: our questions for research and advocacy organizations.