Clear Fund Board Meeting - March 27, 2017

On March 27, 2017, the Clear Fund Board of Directors, which oversees GiveWell, held a meeting.


If you'd like to listen to the entire meeting, the link below allows you to do so. Please note that all Board meetings are monitored for comments that (a) are both easily misinterpreted and insignificant; (b) compromise agreements of confidentiality that GiveWell has made to obtain information that does not belong to it; or (c) relate to legal matters, such that legal counsel should be involved in any public statements on these matters. These comments are then removed. A substantial portion of this meeting was focused on the Open Philanthropy Project separation. We aren't publishing a recording of this part of the meeting due to confidentiality obligations related to the separation. Instead, we're publishing detailed minutes from the meeting. The length of audio removed totals 55 minutes, 33 seconds.



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