Site Visit: August 2024

In August 2024, three GiveWell staff members traveled to Kenya to visit multiple projects and to meet program participants.

Our seven-day visit included:

  • Visiting Evidence Action’s in-line chlorination and Dispensers for Safe Water programs
  • Visiting ten households in Busia and Homa Bay Counties with Fit for Purpose and REMIT Kenya. Some of the families we met with had received deworming programs or malaria vaccines that we believe were funded or supported (at least in part) by GiveWell donors.
  • Visiting households with Living Goods’ Community Health Worker program in Kisumu County
  • Meeting with local leaders, including Kisumu County Executive Committee Member for Health Dr. Gregory Ganda, and representatives of organizations, including Busara, Innovations for Poverty Action, Maisha Meds, Jacaranda Health, IDinsight, PATH, Clinton Health Access Initiative, and others.

Photos from our visit are here.